Creative Writing Sample

 1. Why are you here?

To showcase my skills and prove myself in writing


2. If money wasn’t a restriction, what would you do for the rest of your life?

I would travel all over the world all my life


3. What were you like in high school? What’s changed since then?

I was extremely studious and very sincere in my academic activities. Not much has changed since then.


4. What inspires you?

The urge to advance in my career and earn accolades in my work is what inspires me.


5. What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made in life?

To have opted to study engineering course.


6. What would you choose as your last meal?

Dosa and Sambhar


7. If you are God what would you do to the world?

I will bring equality by eliminating poverty


8. If you could have a meal or a drink with 1 person (past/present), who would it be and why?

It will be with Stephen Hawkings, my favorite scientist ever


9. If You Met A Genie Who Offered You Three Wishes, What Would You Wish For? (No asking for more wishes.)

1. Disease-free life

2. Enough money for the world tour

3. Freedom for Genie


10. What skill would you like to master?

Master the art of creative writing


11. Describe your process and what methods you follow when it comes to writing.

 Thorough research on the internet. Jot down my own thoughts. Plan the article flow. Come up with an effective article by combining all the gathered information.

12. List a few content works written by you.

 Blogs, Website content, newsletter, brochures, flyers, and user manuals


13. What are some of the biggest challenges you face as a writer?

Difficulties in understanding Difficult niche domains and complex blog topics.


14. What is your current/previous CTC?

4,20,000. However, I am willing to accept 25,000 per month after all deductions including PF, ESI, and professional tax. In the future, if PF is introduced too, my salary must be adjusted (increased appropriately) to ensure that I receive a 25,000 take-home salary every month.


15. Give the creative content  and post description for the following posts:




0 tolerance for discrimination against fellow humans

Let humanity live forever...



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