This article is written by me as a Content Writer for in Learning Center section.

          The one page Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum has become effective from September 18, 2015. With the view to promote ease of doing business, the Ministry of MSME has come out with a one page Udhyog Aadhaar Memorandum, which can be filled now on by the micro, small and medium enterprises online.Existing enterprises which have filed Entrepreneurship Memorandum - I or EM -II or both, or the holders of the Small Scale Industry Registration, prior to the coming into force of MSMED Act 2006, are not required to file Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum, but they may file it if they so desire. 

With an aim to encourage Online Filing of Entrepreneurs Memorandum as a Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, the Ministry of MSME, Government of India, is developing 'Online Udyog Aadhaar Form', which will simplify the registration process of small enterprises.It is a one page simplified Registration Form "Udyog Aadhaar" under which MSME will self certify its existence, bank account, business activity details, employment and ownership details and other information.
The manual procedure is ridden with challenges and is not considered investor friendly. On account of the cumbersome procedure and since filing of EM is not mandatory, many MSMEs have not registered themselves and are outside the scope of services offered by the Government. This process has been made voluntary and entrepreneurs with fill difficulty in filing them in the essence of proper eco system of District Industry Centres.

In view of the above, Ministry of MSME through NIC have developed a web portal for Online filing of Entrepreneurs Memorandum I & II. The objective is to make the process of filing of EM I&II forms for the applicant through anytime registration. In this article, we look at the procedure for applying for Udyog Aadhaar online.


1. Aadhaar Number - 12 digit Aadhaar number issued to the applicant should be filled in the appropriate field.

2. Name of Owner- The applicant should fill his/her name strictly as mentioned on the Aadhaar Card issued by UIDAI.
To Validate Aadhar:-
1.   Validate Aadhar- The applicant must click on Validate Aadhaar button for verification of Aadhaar, after that only user can fill the form further.
2.   Reset- The applicant can click on reset button to clear the field of Aadhaar No and Name of the owner for different Aadhaar.

3. Social Category- The Applicant may select the Social Category (General, Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe or Other Backward Castes). The proof of belonging to SC, ST or OBC may be asked by appropriate authority, if and when required.

4. Name of Enterprise- The Applicant must fill the name by which his/her Enterprise is known to the customers/public and is a legal entity to conduct business. One applicant can have more than one enterprises doing business and each one can be registered for a separate Udyog Aadhaar and with the same Aadhaar Number as Enterprise 1 and Enterprise 2 etc.

5. Type of Organization- The Applicant may select from the given list the appropriate type of the organisation for his/her enterprise. The Applicant must ensure that he/she is authorised by the legal entity to fill this online form. Only one Udyog Aadhaar number shall be issued for each enterprise.

6. Postal Address- The Applicant should fill in the appropriate field the complete postal address of the Enterprise including State, District, Pin code, Mobile No and Email.

7. Date of Commencement- The date in the past on which the business entity commenced its operations may be filled in the appropriate field.

8. Previous Registration Details- If the Applicant's enterprise, for which the Udyog Aadhaar is being applied, is already issued a valid EM-I/II by the concerned GM  as per the MSMED Act 2006 or the SSI registration prevailing prior to the said Act, such number may be mentioned in the appropriate place.

9. Bank Details- The Applicant must provide his/her bank account number used for running the Enterprise in the appropriate place. The Applicant must also provide the IFS Code of the bank's branch where his/her mentioned account exists. The IFS code is now a days printed on the Cheque Books issued by the bank. Alternatively, if the Applicant knows the name of the Bank and the branch where his/her account is there, the IFSC code can be found from website of the respective Bank.

10. Major Activity- The major activity i.e. either "Manufacturing" or "Service" may be chosen by the enterprise for Udyog Aadhaar.

11. NIC Code- The Applicant may choose as appropriate National Industrial Classification-2008  Code for the selected "Major Activity". The NIC codes are prepared by the Central Statistical Organisation  under the Ministry of Statistics and Program implementation, Government of India..

12. Person employed- The total number of people who are directly been paid salary/ wages by the enterprise may be mentioned in the appropriate field.

13. lnvestment in Plant & Machinery / Equipment- While computing the total investment , the original investment  is to be taken into account excluding tho cost of pollution control, research and development, industrial safety devices, and such other items as may be specified, by notification of RBI. If an enterprise started with a set of plant and machinery purchased in 2008 worth Rs. 70.00 lakh has procured additional plant and machinery in the year 2013 worth Rs. 65.00 lakh, then the total investment in Plant & Machinery may be treated as Rs. 135.00 lakh.

14. DIC- The Applicant, based on the location of the Enterprise, has to fill in location of DIC. This Column will be active and show option only when there are more than one DIC in the district15. Submit- The Applicant must click on Submit button to generate acknowledgment number.


1. Aadhaar Number/ आधार संख्या
2. Name of Entrepreneur / उद्यमी का नाम

3. Social Category / सामाजिक वर्ग
General / सामान्य
SC / अनुसूचित जाति
ST / अनुसूचित जनजाति
OBC / अन्य पिछड़ा वर्ग
4. Name of Enterprise / उद्यम का नाम
5. Type of Organisation / संगठन के प्रकार                 
6. Postal Address / डाक का पता
State / राज्य                                                                         
District / जिला
Mobile Number / मोबाइल नंबर +91-
Email / ईमेल
7. Date of commmencement /उद्यम के प्रारंभ की तिथि(DD/MM/YYYY) 
8. Previous EM1/EM2/SSI Registration Number, If Any / पिछले EM1 / EM2 / लघु उद्योग पंजीकरण संख्या, यदि कोई है
EM 1
EM 2
9. Bank Details / बैंक विवरण
IFS Code / आईएफएस कोड
Bank Account Number / बैंक खाता संख्या
10. Major Activity / प्रमुख गतिविधि
11. National Industry Classification Code
NIC 2 Digit Code                                                                                                 
NIC 4 Digit Code               
NIC 5 Digit Code   
12. Persons Employed / व्यक्ति नियोजित
13. Investment / निवेश 
(Plant & Machinery / Equipment's) / (संयंत्र और मशीनरी / उपकरण)
(Rs. In Lakhs / (रु। लाखों में))
14. District Industry Centre / जिला उद्योग कार्यालय
Application No. / आवेदन संख्या

*Verification Code / सत्यापन कोड :
Verification code Verification code 

Currently, this national portal has been adopted by 14 states/ UTs including Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Odisha and 51023 EM-I and 13219 EM-II applications have been filed Online. The adoption of online system has encouraged high rate of EM registration and enable more MSMEs to avail benefits from various national schemes. 


  1. Hllo Varun. Am planning to start a Management consultancy which includes Training for Revenue Cycle Management solutions as well as services to Clinical coding companies to set up their units or roll out clients. So, I need to add more NIC 2 digit codes. However, am unable to find the radio button that will enable me to add more.
    Secondly, am in the services industry , where I need to invest in a desktop, printer, scanner, Table & Chair plus software such as MS Office and encoder. Can this be considered as equipment cost?

    Thank you.

    1. Hi Rina,

      Thanks for your question. At present I am not dealing with these financial affairs. Anyways thanks for following up my blog...

  2. Udyog aadhar is like a business identity. Business owners must apply for online MSME registration delhi along with Udyog Aadhar Registration in Delhi.

  3. my activity is sale of pesticides and iron .. how to select the NIC code please let me know

  4. thanks Varun for sharing this wonderful information about udyog adhar

  5. thanks Varun for sharing this wonderful information about udyog adhar

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