Question and Answer for NCERT


"The sight of the food maddened him." What does this suggest? What compelled the young seagull to finally fly?


Section 1: Background Context:

The young seagull can’t wait any longer, on the very sight of his mother tearing a piece of fish through her sharp feet. It was eagerly waiting for his mother to feed him. But, the mother stopped in the middle due to some reason. Hence hunger got the better of the younger seagull and he flew to catch his share of food by overcoming his fear.

Section 2: Explanation:

The young seagull was very hungry and couldn’t resist his hunger for long. Since he flew to snatch it from the beak of his mom, he had no other option but to fly. This first flight of the young seagull results in a lots of joy and food. Thus the seagull finally won his fear of flying and learnt to fly on his own, without the help of anyone.

Section 3: Direct Answer:
The young seagull felt very hungry. His mother had a fish in her beak and was taunting it to come and get it. Since the sight of the food maddened him, he wanted to grab it from his mother. In the process of reaching for the food, the young seagull started flying and its first flight eventually happened. It was very pleasing for the mother seagull!  
