Central Board of Secondary Education - English


What do you think is the message that the author seems to convey through the story? Compare your group's views with that of the other groups.


Section 1: Background Context:
According to the author of the story ‘A pair of Mustachios’, one should evolve along with the time and as per the requirement of the modern society. Latching on to all those false pride will never give prosperity to anyone whatsoever. This can be accomplished by being cautious and keeping our eyes wide open all the time.

Section 2: Explanation:

As per the author of this particular story, one should evolve as per the time and the advancement of the society. Merely sticking on to false pride won’t help anyone involved for sure. An individual must also be conscious enough to identify if any other person is trying to take advantage of their followed age-old virtues.

Section 3: Direct Answer:

Through this beautiful story, the author has tried to highlight how people practising outdated values become the reason for their own downfall. He also adds that such foolish people pave way for unnecessary disturbances in the society and hence must be neglected at all cost.
