11th standard English Subject: Non-detailed lesson answers


Nouveau riche and bourgeoise are French words. Collect from newspapers, magazines and other sources some more French words or expressions that are commonly used in English.


Background Context:
The term ‘nouveau riche’ is generally used to refer people who have become wealthy of the recent times. They are used to mention people who are lacking in royalty. Similarly the word ‘bourgeoise’ is utilized for denoting middle class people. It is typically used to highlight the conventional attitudes and perceived values.   

Many French words have become part and parcel of common English. These words add to the rich history of the English language and paves way for expanding the vocabulary. In such a way, the word ‘entrepreneur’ - meaning a business person, the word ‘envelope’ – which means a closed cover, an ‘enclave’ – that means a distinct place are normally used in our day-to-day life.  

Direct Answer :

Like Nouveau riche and bourgeoise, there are loads of French words and expressions that are commonly used in our daily English conversations. A few of them include tie-tie, entrepreneur, enclave and envelope.
