BIO STATISTICAL RESEARCH WRITING: The role of biostatistician and biostatistical programming in epidemiological studies

TITLE: The crucial part played by biostatisticians and biostatistical programming in epidemiological studies:

Do biostatistics and epidemiology projects by Nukecrew

A majority of epidemiological studies heavily rely upon biostatistics in this modern era. Biostatistical services make use of quantitative methodologies to successfully combine the epidemiology and biostatistics fields. Similarly, epidemiological statistical services convert information and data obtained from epidemiological studies, analyze it and convert it into a suitable form for resolving public health-oriented issues.

Biostatisticians are actually the people who are in charge of various statistical programming services. They either possess a degree in public health or a master’s degree or doctorate in statistics discipline. They are often specialized in computer science or mathematics streams. Biostatisticians aid in analyzing the complex outcomes of medical studies. Additionally, they also support in linking the cause and effect and solve the causation vis-a-vis association between the disease condition and exposure.

Both the biostatistics services and epidemiology collectively offer valuable inputs on disease modelling, study design, sampling, analysis, surveillance, risk stratification, treatment of population’s health condition and identification of vulnerable populations and prevention. Biostatistics finds its importance in designing data models and studying methodologies which are epidemiologically relevant to create informative data through adequate analysis.

Biostatistics forms the basis of epidemiology public health and so it must be aptly included in the medical syllabus. Doctors must implement different biostatistical programming for interpreting and using public health statistics in an efficient manner. As a matter of fact, several statistical methods based online courses are currently available for working physicians too in this regard.

Biostatistics and epidemiology together forms the public health information system’s backbone. In the current testing times, where the whole world is combating the Covid-19 pandemic, the role of epidemiology in public health has gained significance. Biostatisticians are now using statistics to predict the behaviour, spreading and mortality rate of the novel coronavirus. Thus, biostatistics and epidemiology can be simply understood as the basic components of public health indeed!

