How to prepare yourself for motherhood?

COVID-19: Advice for Pregnant Women

Be it your first child birth or not, you must set a few things in order when you get pregnant. Today, you can easily access information on nutrition. A healthy diet is essential for giving birth to healthy babies. Nowadays parents are willing to go an extra mile, even if it calls for a quick change in food habits.

As a mother-to-be, you must at first concentrate on your food habits. Plan what to eat and the foods to avoid, such as fast foods and processed foods. Also stay away from the liquor and gaseous drinks, candies and cakes. Switch to organic juices and stop smoking. Get rid of Caffeine intake as well during this period.

Here we have compiled a few critical tips for effective parenting:

i.                    Be ready for advice:
This may be in any form, online or through pregnancy books or even from health experts. Your parents, friends, elderly relatives and family members may also give some advice. Don’t simply ignore their valuable suggestions.

ii.                  Morning sickness readiness:
It is common to experience these pregnancy symptoms in the morning time. So, stock-up and be prepared with appropriate medications for treating morning sickness.

iii.                Maternity clothes:
Consider loose and comfortable maternity clothes that offer adequate support during your pregnancy.

iv.                Stretch-marks cream:
Carry stretch-marks cream for the betterment of your skin and body in the pregnancy time.

v.                  Make skincare a routine:
Ascertain the quality of the product so that it does not harm you or your newborn baby. Stock up as much refreshing massage oils as you can.

Required Baby essentials:

a.      Towels:
Light-weighted, soft, small towel clothes are a must-have for all babies.

b.      Baby wraps:
Wrap your baby to protect it from getting infected from cold or dust. Wrapping in a cozy wrap keeps your baby safe.

c.       Other essential items:
This include baby soaps, cotton buds, moisturizer, cloth nappies, wipes, and bucket for nappy, baby blankets etc.,
