Get rid of all your pain in a herbal manner

Herbal Pain Relief Oil, Arthritis Joint Pain, Back Pain Knee Hip ...

People have been using various herbs, essential oils and alternative therapies to get relieved from pain for several centuries. Here in this post, we will provide information about eight such herbal pain relievers and the underlying scientific fact behind them for preferring them over other over-the-counter pain medications:

1. Lavender oil:
Lavender oil helps to relieve the pain most naturally. It is beneficial for getting good sleep, easing out anxiety and obtaining relief from pain. Several kinds of research have proved the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of the lavender oil. It is advised to dilute it in a carrier oil before application for ensuring the safety of your skin.

2. Rosemary oil:
Rosemary oil plays a significant part in pain relief. Rosemary plant helps to treat muscle and bone pain, headache and seizures. The herb is also absolutely vital for reducing inflammation, boosting memory and relaxing muscles. It is recommended to use three to five drops of essential oil for each ounce of carrier oil. Researchers suggest that this particular herb acts on brain receptors that are responsible for sensing the pain.

3. Peppermint oil:
Extracted from Mentha piperita plant, peppermint possesses incredible anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and pain-relieving properties. Peppermint oil consists of a host of active components such as menthol, carvacrol and limonene. It must be applied by diluting appropriately and then spreading it on the painful area of the body. Avoid using peppermint oil on broken skin to avoid unnecessary allergic reactions.

4. Eucalyptus oil:
Another critical pain-relieving oil is eucalyptus oil. It helps in reducing pain, swelling and body inflammation. It was found in a recent study that those who inhaled eucalyptus oil for 30 minutes/day consecutively for three days recovered from their knee replacement surgery at a faster rate. On the downside, Eucalyptus can trigger asthma and can turn toxic if swallowed. Further, certain people develop allergic reaction on applying this oil to their skin. Hence care must be exercised while making use of it.

5. Cloves:
Cloves have been used as a home remedy for relieving from toothache for several ages. The antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antifungal activity of cloves make them a stand-apart. A focus group study has revealed that clove gels can reduce the tooth pain of people possessing severe tooth diseases.

6. Ginger:
Ginger alias Zingiber officinale’s roots are proven to be a natural pain reliever. According to a 2015 systematic review, ingesting 2 grams of ginger/day reduced muscle pain from running and resistant exercise among people who followed this routine for five consecutive days. Gingers are capable of accelerating recovery and reduce inflammation caused by rigorous workouts.
Gingers can be added to the routine diet by adding raw Ginger to teas or smoothies. Bear in mind that dietary supplements could cause side effects and can also interact with existing medication.

7. Feverfew:
Also known as bachelor’s buttons or feather few, this medicinal plant is effective in treating fever, migraine headaches, toothaches, rheumatoid arthritis and stomach aches. The compounds present in this herb can reduce muscle spasms, reduce inflammation and pave the way for increasing breast milk. The sesquiterpene lactones and flavonoids present in the feverfew leaves and flowers contain analgesic or pain-relieving properties. Possible side-effects include nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting and increased bleeding risk.

8.    Turmeric:
Curcuma compound present in the turmeric spice has pain-relieving qualities. A 2014 year study revealed that the Curcuma extract is extremely helpful for pain management in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis if taken regularly for a month. Turmeric is a well-known remedy for arresting inflammation. For consuming it in the form of a natural diet, we suggest you add it to curries, juices or smoothies.

Every pain reliever won’t work the same. But many people have practically realized that a herbal option has worked well for them in the long-term. So, we recommend all our blog followers to try out the suggested products and live life in a herbal way.
