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Video games have become a part and parcel of our everyday life. People of all age groups irrespective of their gender are addicted to one form of games or the other. Be it videogames or gaming console or VR or mobile or tablet, games are omnipresent. So here in this essay, we are about to find out the effects of video games on the behaviour of the younger generation. To begin with, there are several genres of video games which includes adventure (like Dora), simulation (like flight simulation), fighting (such as Tekken), shooting (such as Pubg), puzzle (such as Tetris) to name a few. While most of these categories act as a stress buster, the problem comes with the category of shooting, fighting and other violence-based games.

The younger generation by repeatedly playing games such as the recent sensation PubG, develop a sense of hatred towards fellow people. This, in turn, reflects in their behaviour and makes them vulnerable to various psychological problems. In recent times, we have seen mass shooting in public areas, several cold-blooded murders and even gun culture among college students. These bear testimony to the fact that violent games are having a significant effect on the mindset of children. In fact, by repeatedly seeing bloodshed and agony, the players of these games gradually lose their humanity and are more prone to turn to anti-social elements in the near future.

Even the American Psychological Association (APA), in an August 13, 2015 press release titled “APA Review Confirms Link between Playing Violent Video Games and Aggression”, available on has confirmed this effect. And to add more, the current US President Donald Trump explained the ill-effects of video games through a youtube video during a school safety program by the name “Trump blames video games, movies for violence” which was posted by CNN on February 22, 2018. In this particular video, he stated that "I'm hearing more and more people saying the level of violence on video games is really shaping young people's thoughts". 

If you know a teenager or avid gamer, you have probably heard about the latest video game phenomenon: Fortnite. In the game’s Battle Royale mode, up to 100 players parachute into a small island, scavenge for armour and weapons, and then kill or hide from other players in an attempt to be the lone survivor. The game’s cartoonish violence and quirky features including costumes and custom dance moves–have attracted more than 125 million players across the entire globe since its release last September. While not overly gory, the premise for Fortnite is inherently violent; the primary goal is to kill other players. The popularity of these types of games raises clear questions about the effects of violent gaming. Specifically, do violent video games lead to real-life violence?

The research on this question is mixed. For decades, researchers have conducted studies to find out whether violent video games lead to problems such as aggression, lack of empathy and poor performance in school. Many studies have found that people who play violent video games are more likely to engage in aggressive behaviour. To conclude, playing violent video games can increase aggressive thoughts, behaviours, and feelings in both short and long terms. Violent video games can also desensitize people to seeing aggressive behaviour and decrease social behaviours such as helping another person and feeling empathy. The longer those individuals are exposed to violent video games, the more likely they are to have aggressive behaviours, thoughts, and feelings.
