Q&A for Central Board of Secondary Education syllabus


"They were beckoning to him, calling shrilly." Why did the seagull's father and mother threaten him and cajole him to fly?


Section 1: Background Context:

The young seagull strongly believed that his wings are weak to not carry his weight. Since all his siblings had already made their first flight a day before, the young seagull was alone and starving. His father and mother tried to threaten him and cajole him to fly since flying is very essential for a bird’s survival. Yet, the young seagull never felt the urge to fly.

Section 2: Explanation:

The young seagull always had an inner fear of falling in the sea while flying. This very fear didn’t allow him to even make a try, when its sisters and brothers had already started flying. This very fact made its parents very shrilly and urged them to scold it. They threatened to not feed him, so that he would leave all his fears behind and learn the art of flying very soon.

Section 3: Direct Answer:
The baby seagull’s parents tried whatever that they possibly could without much of success. His fear of failing didn’t disappear even after looking at how his brothers and sisters were able to make their first flight. Since he was reluctant to make any efforts, his family abandoned him and threatened and cajoled him to fly.
