Fitness blog: Are lifting hooks better than straps?

Lifting Straps vs Lifting Hooks: Differences, Pros, Cons ...

In general, weight lifts require enormous forearm strength for perfect execution. In case, if a particular person’s grip is too weak for training the desired body part, then weight lifting hooks could prove extremely beneficial.

Why say ‘NO’ to Wrist Straps?

While gripping weights like dumbbells or barbells, the tension in your body must be increased for maintaining a proper form and increase the overall strength during the lifting procedure. Suppose if you are wearing a strap, then you will not be in a position to grip a heavier weight. This will turn into a considerable disadvantage over a period of time for sure.

Wrist Hooks to your rescue…

Wrist hooks, also known as the ‘lifting hooks’ are durable Velcro straps which surround your wrist along with a metal hook that is provided for better hand positioning. The beauty of these hooks lie in their ability to shift the pressure on your wrists to your hand’s base quite effortlessly. Sounds incredible right?

The advantages of choosing Wrist Hooks:

Lifting hooks fit around your wrist through a metal hook held in the palms and look more like a heavy-duty Velcro strap. They are very helpful for eliminating the need for grip strength, which couldn’t be so easily achieved with the other conventional weightlifting straps currently available in the market.

Also, most people argue that one can indeed achieve a better grip with a hook rather than a strap. It is because of the fact that the hook removes a majority of pressure from the wrist. These hooks are ideally suited for prominent lifting exercises such as deadlifts, lat pull-downs, shrugs, pull-ups, cable rows and barbell rows.

Both lifting straps and lifting hooks could definitely be a great addition to your workout gear on the long-run. They are specially designed for delivering the much-needed support, eliminating your wrist pressure and increasing your lifting performance. This, in turn, will be a blessing in disguise for those people who are eager to prove themselves in various weightlifting competitions too!
