For the attention of diabetic mothers-to-be

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In general, women tend to get sensitive, fearful and anxious while going through the various pregnancy stages. It is not easy to carry a life within, and it becomes even more complicated if the mom-to-be has diabetes. Pregnancy and diabetes together add to further complications. Women who never had diabetes too develop it during pregnancy, and this is referred to as gestational diabetes which is accompanied by a rise in blood sugar levels.

How to identify gestational diabetes?
It is difficult to know if a pregnant woman is developing diabetes or not, using symptoms such as increased hunger, excessive thirst and frequent urination. Also, it must be noted that a diabetic condition cannot be so easily diagnosed and treated at its later stages. Hence pregnant   women must not ignore the  blood sugar test for ensuring their good health and baby’s wellness.

How blood sugar affects you and your baby?
As there is a spike in blood sugar levels, it enters the placenta connecting the baby and the uterine wall. Once this excess sugar starts entering the circulation of the baby, the pancreas of the baby will increase the secretion of the insulin so that the sugar levels are normal in its blood. This excess insulin and sugar will make your baby appear larger in size and hence termed as ‘Macrosomic babies’. It will result in a huge problem since such babies cannot go through standard delivery process as they will cause vaginal injury, and the bones of the baby will get fractured, or the nerves may get damaged.

How to handle diabetes during pregnancy?
Visit the doctor, change diet and stick to a definite chart
Go for insulin shots to maintain a natural glucose level
Keep an eye on the glucose levels to stay safe

Also, it is recommended to eat balanced food, perform healthy exercises and stay in a good mood for ensuring a bright and prosperous life for your baby.
