Moto G Turbo - An upgraded experience

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Moto G is built up of an upgraded processor, improved RAM  and increased storage along with the incorporation of Motorola's TurboPower feature as a result of the fast charging capabilities of the new Qualcomm processor.

Turbo Edition has a black front and a very neat-looking grey-blue rear panel. The rear still has a rubbery finish that offers a solid grip. The curved back, one of the trademarks of Motorola makes it easy to use this phone with one hand.

This handset also offers protection from dust as well. It can easily survive after being submerged in fresh water up to three feet deep for up to 30 minutes.

The Moto G Turbo Edition supports quick charging in the name of TurboPower Technology. With this mobile you can easily get up to six hours of use with a 15-minute charge. The charger is unusually large and can deliver up to 12V output compared to the standard 5V output of normal phones.

It comes with some cool apps such as Migrate which lets you import or export data from or to another phone. You can even import contacts, messages, photos and videos. You can find another app called Moto which lets you control smartphone’s behaviour such as muting notifications at specific times.

Moto G Turbo is easily one of the most attractive and well-built phones in its price bracket available in the market!
