Facebook campaign content created for Team Everest- Velachery

Task: Write content for a Diwali Donation facebook campaign -- www.bit.ly\diwaliforall2017

‘Diwali for All’ is an initiative of Team Everest NGO that was started way back in 2015 with the aim of helping everyone to celebrate Diwali. The main idea is to provide ‘New Dresses’ to people who couldn’t afford to buy it during Diwali. The beneficiaries include parentless kids, single-parented kids, financially poor kids, kids with cancer, homeless people, widows, visually challenged and Mentally Challenged people. With the able support of our volunteers, we indeed made this Diwali a memorable one for many.

Let’s keep making this difference time and time again, by contributing a good amount towards this Diwali for All campaign.

CLICK HERE to donate now.
