Content developed for flintobox website

Task 1:

a. Undersea creatures:

i) A coloring book where children get to paint their favorite sea creatures and get to know them
ii) A fact book where children get to know about the unknown facts about rare sea creatures.
iii) A flip book in which a dolphin may be seen as diving from water to several feet above and back to the water.
iv) Tattoos of beautiful sea creatures which they can paste on their skin by applying water.
v) Stickers of sea life which can be pasted on school books of children.
vi) A jig-saw puzzle in which children get to fix the misplaced pieces of a killer whale picture.
vii) A Rubix cube having 6 different puzzles of sea creatures which must be fixed right.
viii) Small rubber toys of sea life which increase in size when placed in water through water absorption technique.
ix) A speaking greeting card which plays pre-recorded audio of sea creatures when a child opens the cover.
x) A CD with rhymes about sea life in an entertaining as well as informative manner.

b. Crystal Chemistry

i) Make a crystal solution and try creating your own 3D snow picture.
ii) Creating your own Copper Sulphate crystals
iii) Activity on Panning for Crystals
iv) Make bath crystals using Epsom salts, perfume, and food coloring.
v) Make sherbet out of jelly crystals, citric acid, baking soda and icing sugar.
vi) Make a crystal snowflake using borax.
vii) Drawing and coloring different 3D crystal shapes.
viii) Examining crystals under a microscope.
ix) Grow Baking Soda crystals.
x) Activity to grow Borax crystal snowflakes.

Task 2:

a. Sunflower Delight:

Help your kid catch the sun with your own handmade Sunflower craft!

Want to know how? Here are the instructions for the same:

Items Required: Paper Plate, Color papers, Scissors, Pencil, Glue and Paints

1) Take a paper plate (preferably an unused one)
2) Cut the plate across all the edges in a uniform manner
3) Gently fold the cut edges in a way so as to make it look like a flower
3) Now take yellow paint and paint on all the cut edges
4) Take a pencil and apply brown paint on its unsharpened end
5) Gently press the blunt end of the pencil on the center of the plate in all vacant positions to make it look like the seeds of a flower
6) Take a green color paper and cut it in the form of a rectangle to make the stem of the sunflower
7) Now paste the rectangle shaped paper at the lower bottom of the sunflower
8) Similarly cut 2 leave shaped patterns out of the green color strip to create leaves for the flower
9) Now stick the leaves onto the stem of the flower to complete your wonderful craft!

Stay tuned for more wonderful craft ideas from our Flintobox team...

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b. Soap propelled boat

Want your child to go on a boat adventure in soapy waters?

Here is how to accomplish the same:

Items Required: White Paper Strip, Yellow paper strip, Scissors, Glue, Dishwasher liquid, Sponge, Toothpick and Tray of water

1. Take a square shaped white paper strip
2. Cut it in the form of a triangle
3. Now cut the base of the triangle to form a keyhole shape at the center
4. Take a rectangular yellow paper strip
5. Fold the paper once on the front side and once at the back side alternately to create a striped pattern
6. Now cut its bottom and shape it in a way to make it look like a handle for our boat
7. Now apply glue to the yellow paper's back at several positions to stick it in the center of the triangular shaped paper
8. Pour few drops of dishwasher liquid on a sponge
9. Pick a drop of dishwasher on the sponge using a toothpick
10. Now gently apply dishwasher near the keyhole of the boat using the toothpick
11. Bingo!!! Amaze your kid with your tailor made soap propelled cute boat structure!

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