Book Collection (or) Collecting works as a hobby

Book collection can be defined as the art of collecting books which include searching, finding, buying, sorting, displaying, storing, and maintaining the books that are liked by a particular book collector. This hobby can be said as one of the very interesting and constructive hobbies, as it not only helps to pass time but also to gain knowledge in the process. This art of book collecting can be done in numerous ways which include genre based book collection, author based book collection and Antique book collection.

Genre-based book collection can also be called the 'theme' based book collection in which the book collectors collect books belonging to a particular category such as horror, romance, science fiction, thrillers, suspense etc.,  This type of book collection is made by collectors based on their personal interests. Example for this collection can be seen in separate departments of a library.

Author based book collection involves collecting all the works of one's favorite author. Examples include collecting works of popular English authors such as Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Long fellow, E.H. Lawrence etc. This kind of book collection is done by collectors who are fans of some particular authors and they find each and every work of the author very attractive.

Antique book collection involves collecting old books in remembrance of some important events in history. This includes collecting books on world wars, revolts, and similar historic events. Examples of antique book collection may involve books on independence struggles, world wars etc.,

Whatever be the purpose the hobby of collecting books/ works fascinates book lover all over the world for centuries and will continue to do so in the upcoming future too!
