TIPS TO REDUCE CARBON EMISSIONS: (Article written for content writing task at BlueBase Software services)


·         Go green. Reduce usage of cars. Instead commute to work by public transport.

·         Don’t rely too much on supermarket for vegetables and fruits. Instead plant a small garden and grow your own vegetables and fruits in your backyard.

·         Use energy efficient appliances such as CFL lights in place of ordinary electric bulbs. Ordinary electric bulbs release enormous amount of heat and subsequently causes a rise in amount of greenhouse gases.

·         Have your vehicles serviced regularly to keep emission rates under check. Periodically visit nearest mechanic shop or your vehicle’s authorized service center to detect abnormal emission rates.

·         Arrange to dispose electronic waste safely. Even discarded batteries from laptops or cell phones can leave a deadly impact in landfills.

·         Wear weather friendly clothes. Using cotton clothes in summer and artificial fabric and woollen clothes in winter is a preferable practice. This avoids usage of air conditioners and heaters and thereby reduces carbon footprint.

·         More paper usage contributes to deforestation, global warming and increase in carbon emissions. Try availing e-bill facility if it is available with your mobile, electricity and dth operator.

·         Reduce, recycle and reuse. Try to use recycled paper for sending greeting cards, letters or wrapping gifts. Reuse gift bags and other paper goods. Also reuse plastic covers and bottles. Plastic materials are non-decomposable and affects the fertility of land and can even kill grazing live stocks if consumed.

·         Car-pooling is an Eco-friendly method to reduce traffic congestion and fuel consumption. Car-pooling provides an ample opportunity to network with neighbors and office-colleagues simultaneously reducing carbon emissions as well.

·         Corporate can encourage their employees to work from home. This saves transport cost as well as reduces emission of greenhouse gases.

·         Try to lower the usage of bikes and scooters for travelling to shorter distances such as temples, markets, friend’s house etc. Walking is the best ever known exercise that even hours of work out in gym can never compensate.

·         Avoid using vehicles to visit places that have frequent buses and trains. Our government is spending crores of rupees everyday on public transport which often gets unutilized.

·         Buy or lend a cycle right now to at least commute to nearby places. Cycling burns body’s calories and thereby aids in losing excess weight quickly.
